Why Chicken Ranchin Lettie?

Well… kind of a fun story or not really a fun story. But I do actually really love chicken. I know I know I might associated more of as like a “beef person” and really exile the white proteins… But honestly thats just not the case. I actually really like chicken, BUT I am extremely picky about it.

Here is why..

My mom scarred me… quite literally. I don’t really want to go into the details over the world wide web. It honestly might scar you too. Ha but please ask me about it. Its honestly hilarious now looking back on it. But I really cannot do bad chicken. Just like I can’t do bad beef.

And once you have had good beef, or good chicken, or good pork. It is so hard to go back to something bad. There is a very big difference. You can always tell quality.

I have always wanted to provide my customers with high quality protein, but in all honesty. Thinking about adding another “thing” to do to my plate really just sounded exhausting. So when I had the Miller’s reach out to me about carrying their chicken and I couldn’t help but say yes! Because they align with my values and how we raise our beef only with chicken! It was honestly a perfect fit.

So here we are…. now carrying chicken products and I am so excited about it. Plus its delicious, its not fatty like you buy at the grocery store and has really delicious flavor! One of these days, I will make it over to their ranch and show you what it is all about!

For now… Hope you enjoy!

XOXO Lettie


It’s farmers market time!!


Calving Season Deprivation