Calving Season Deprivation

Tractor time thoughts....

Autosteer is a gal’s

best friend

As I write this… I am driving the tractor… Semi falling asleep listening to worship music. I am extremely tired. Maybe its the lack of sleep or the going 9-0 for the last three months. But the good thing is I feel like I have more clarity on what to be doing with MC- Meat Co, The roundtop and all the endeavors I have started over the last three years. If y’all are following along on my socials you know my heart has been shifting and changing on how I am going to do MC- Meat co. And before you get scared… YES I am absolutely going to keep providing delicious and sustainable beef. I am just really trying out how to scale and still be able to produce high quality beef that I love and so do you!


Calving Season Problems

Cute baby Mama!

Hello little one!

We are almost done with calving season over here. We are every bit of 80-90% done which is crazy because we haven’t even been really going for longer than 30 days. It was a little bit of a rough go at the beginning of March. We had more dystocia (calf is placed wrong) issues than we typically have. I am not entirely sure what caused it. It is hard to find the cause, because all of them were a little bit different. We have had several sets of twins this year, so part of me believes one cow we lost had twins in her and there wasn’t enough room for the calf to turn around. Its super hard anytime you loose animals. I take it so personally, even though I don’t mean to and I know its part of life… I still have to cry it out and I am okay with that. It makes life so much more precious when you are able to take it all in. The good, the bad, and the ugly. There are really so many reasons that it could have been. Somethings in the business you will never truly know… you just try and do your best and move on down the road.

Roundtop and The Bin things...

We are also kicking off wedding season at the Roundtop which has been super exciting! I love seeing the space transformed to fit the vision of the bride. I think the coolest thing about the Roundtop is that you can either dress it up or can have very minimal decorations and it looks absolutely stunning! The Bin has been super booked in March! It has been absolutely so fun to meet and great some of my guests!

What’s inLetties ears?

I really love podcasts they help me so much! Especially when I get in funks. They really help pull me out of the funk. The ones I am listening to lately are Rural Revival (always), Jenna Kutcher the Goal Digger Podcast, and Amy Porterfield’s. They have helped me so much lately learn about marketing and the art of sharing stories!. Rural Revival always just keeps me inspired. It is one of my favorites to listen to.


Something that has been really on my heart lately…. I am not sure if it just a trial I passed or something I have been struggling with. But I have had a big change in friendships lately, which has been extremely hard! Especially when you live in rural communities. Its so hard to find like minded-people! And when you do… its something you want to hang on to and cherish. I was trying to start a new business with a friend and nothing we did seemed to be working. I honestly felt like we were trying to put a square peg in a round hole. But sometimes I think (God) protects us from things that will actually hurt us in the long run. We can get so frustrated in the moment on why it isn’t working. It might be closing on a house, or getting in a relationship, trying to get out of a relationship, trying to have a baby, applying for jobs, and so much more. But I just want to remind you, and encourage you that somethings those things we want the very most just aren’t meant to be. It might be something you thought would make you extremely happy, or would be the absolute dream job, or dream adventure. But just remember… when things aren’t working out like how you wanted them to there is probably a reason. I am a go-getter and it is extremely hard for me to wait. I just want to knock things off of the list, but being back at home on a family operation sometimes absolutely nothing goes the way I want it to. But then when we finally get a project done, or something planted, or calves on the ground, it seems to actually work out better than I ever imagined. So remember that next time something isn’t working out the way you wanted it to. God has a plan, and it is far bigger and better than what we could have ever thought or imagined.

Be blessed friends, Thank you for being here.

XOXO Lettie


Why Chicken Ranchin Lettie?


swks gal goes to nashville