swks gal goes to nashville

Brandcamp 101’s

Have you ever been to those life changing events?…. yeah me too.

If I am being completely honest with y’all…. I hit a maxed out in December. I was stressed beyond measure. There was and still is sometimes just too much. I was drowning in my own businesses, my own yeses I committed too, and it was stressing me out to even tell people no. I had seen brandcamp on the world wide web when Danna and Brooke launched it but to be honest I wasn’t really thinking about going.

Danna and I have grown close over the socials and suggested I go. So I prayed and prayed about it. I just kept feeling that gentle nudge to take the plunge. After a long long season of so many trial, I was burnt-out. I had lost my fire and didn’t really know how to get it back, and it all felt so overwhelming. Honestly I had felt like I was doing all the things but none of them were really making a difference.

BUT THEN…. I went to brand camp. It relit my fire. It helped me lean into my brand more about what makes this space really me, and how its okay to express myself through the brand. The colors I like, what I love to do, the food I like to eat, all of it is my branding! I had no clue I could make it simply just be me. That took such a huge amount of pressure off of me. I was able to create things in my own way. To add different value to my customers and myself in my own expression.

Not only did they teach me about branding, but also systems!!! Putting systems in place to treat my life like a business…. (Thank you Brooke!) Cause I was not doing that. Everyone typically just texts me for orders or bookings at the Roundtop or different things and I feel constantly tied to my phone. But she taught me so much about automation and how I can include systems that help my life feel not as cluttered and chaotic.

So if you are like me where you have built a lot of different businesses and are so multi-facid. I pray and hope you find this and I hope you go to brand camp! It sparked my creativity again, it lit my fire to begin again, to fully pursue my dreams. The Lord encountered me radically on that trip, and I’m not sure if it was the area, or the camp but I am so grateful to have gone to such a life changing event.

It was a pivotal moment in my life and in my business and I hope it is the same for you if you choose to go.

Lots of love,



Calving Season Deprivation


Valentine’s Day encouragement