It’s farmers market time!!

I love the farmer's market so much! I have had so much fun at them over the years. But my schedule has become very hectic so you might not see me as much over there every weekend. But I am sure going to try my hardest. I love you all so much. It might be border line weird, but its fine. You all have become like my family!

And with all that being said I Really really really struggled with basically like an identity crisis with MC- Meat Co. Honestly its been a real struggle, I have had to ask some hard question of myself, because as we all know costs to produce anything are going through the roof. So I had to sit down with Jesus and really well have a come to Jesus meeting as well. I had to ask myself super hard question like do I want to continue doing what I am doing? Do I like this business? Is it fulfilling and purposeful? And all those answers were yes. BUT one of my main goals with MC- Meat Co has always been to provide high quality protein at an affordable level. I have put this conversation off as long as I possibly could... but after this weekend at the Farmer's Market I will be increaseing my prices.

I fought, and cried, and prayed long and hard over this. I don't want to raise my prices. But for me to be able to continue what I am doing I have to. I know not everyone will be able to afford the food price increases and I understand that. Like always, I will forever encourage you to do what is best for you and your family. 

To be even more real... I thought long and hard about quitting because I couldn't raise it cheaper than taking our calves to the salebarn. And sometimes this little "side hustle" is a full time gig plus the other jobs.. whoops. But honestly, this business has never been about the money. I did it as a way for me to come home, yes. A way to bring additinal revenue so I could work along side my dad and family. But I really did it to share our story. To bring you along for the journey. For you to trust me with raising your food. So with all that being said... I hope you still choose to trust me to raise your beef+ chicken for you. And I know some will part ways with the increases in prices, just know I love each and every single one of you. Because without every single person, none of this would be possible. When you support this little meatcompany, it supports a dream, it gives back into the communities we love so much. Its truly a gift that keeps on giving. 

Again, thanks for being here, always 




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