Masterminding events

Are you wanting to plan an event but not entirely sure how to go about it or even what to start with? Let me give you some tips and tricks. Planning tips can feel so daunting. You are going through all this trouble and then what if people don’t show up?? I get it I’ve been there.

But I can give you some practical tips and tricks to getting super excited about planning an event. It’s called masterminding. Have you ever just sat down and began to dream? Heck maybe it was even while you were doing something or running errand, or working out. Well do the same exact thing for the next event you might be having! Trust me, it makes it so fun when you can dream of the impossible when planning an event.

One of my favorite ways to do this is get on Pinterest… I know it’s a little dangerous but oh so swoon worthy. Just type in the search engine baby shower inspo, or wedding inspo, or retirement party inspo, or 80th birthday celebration, or really whatever it might be! Do you understand what I’m getting at??

Now you might be thinking… Lettie I already do this. But do you put it in a board? That way it’s easy and accessible to go back to? That is a priority! Trust me there’s been plenty of times where I fell in love with a vision and then for the life of me I could never find it again. Do not make the same mistakes I do kiddos.

As many of you know or maybe not. We are planning my sisters baby shower and I can.t wait to show y’all the end product and provide you with some high quality tools in your toolbox for next time you plan an event. I’m going to put the board I am creating for it in this post so y’all can get an idea of what I mean.


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