If you want something different you have to do something you have never done.

Talk about a straight shot to the gut. I have known this forever. I always talk about it.. I mean that is the definition of insanity right? Doing the SAME things and expecting different results? INSANE!

2022 was a hard year, but different hard. I felt like I fought battles again that I had fought long ago. Honestly coming out of 2022 I just felt robbed. I felt robbed from promises I have been waiting on God forever since and even before moving home. There were so many times this past year that I thought wow.. is this it? Is this really happening. Then boom about as fast as it came it was swept away.

And boy did I sure have to dig deep last week to find God through the mist of it all. I am currently reading the book of Job.

One of my goals for the year is to read the bible all the way through. Honestly that is about the only one I have currently. Others are just continual projects. I have never actually done it. My discipline sucks. About like keeping up with the blog, or sending out newsletters, or running consistently. I am trying extremely hard to work on my discipline.

Anyways back to Job. The book has given me so much life, to hope again. To know that God restores all that is lost! Job did absolutely nothing wrong to deserve the affliction and turmoil. But out of God’s sovereignty, He allowed Job to suffer. Why? to create character, to question, to wrestle with God. And its a beautiful story. Sometimes I think we get stuck that our relationship with the Lord has to look perfectly. You go to church, you read your bible, you treat people good then you are going to have a good life right?

WRONG. Sometimes we go through testing, and trials, and honestly straight hell… we question God we ask why, we beg, we plead, we wrestle. And friend, if you have gone through some pretty rough seasons I get it. I am right there with you and I am dang sure ready to see God move in my life in miraculous ways! Not just one but multiple. I am so dang ready to see the God breakthrough for me.

But dang, the testing I have endured. I can tell ya.. He sure dug, and He dug, and He dug some more. And I didn’t quite understand it till I listened to sermon and I will link it for yall.

I honestly feel like I am a blank canvas. That God has removed basically EVERYTHING from my life that held a higher priority than Him. God doesn’t lie friends. If he made you a promise HE WILL KEEP IT. Regardless of what your circumstances look like. Regardless of what you have been through.

Ask again

Ask one more time

Pray that prayer one more time. Dig deep, lean into God. I know you are scared. I know you don’t want to move forward anymore, cause thats where I was… literally two days ago.

But somehow I am digging into more. And I believe you can to. Heck I know you can actually. Sometimes we have to dig the ground for it to become fruitful.

Your promise is coming. It is here and it is your year. I know the last three years have been hard. BUT GOD. He will do what He said He would do. I will link this youtube sermon that has given me so much life and so much hope.

Because I know just like JOB, He will restore double. He will give back 7 fold of what the enemy stole. And that NO PLANS OF GOD CAN BE THWARTED.

God has a divine plan for your life and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for you in 2023.

My word for the year is FULFILLMENT.

Hang onto hope friends


Skirt Steak Skewers


Cotton Story.