An ode to future generations

Coming back home our operation I have seen a lot of different things and have had alot of different talks with different people all around the country. I always get asked the question how do you work with family day in and day out and how are you doing the transition smoothly. So I thought I would give yall some tips and tricks that have really helped me and our operation to succeed in coming back to a family operation.


The biggest thing I see people go wrong with is they come in back from college, or a job, or wherever they went and try to change everything! It does NOT work that way. If I would have came in the first day telling my dad how awful things are and we shouldn’t do it this way how receptive do you think he would have been to me? NOT AT ALL. I promise you. He probably would have said something like kiss my butte or some other colorful language. Change takes time. It is like fine wine and gets better with age. If you aren’t willing to do the dirty and gritty work right along the previous generous, earning their respect and trust is probably slim to nothing.

Number 2 :

Don’t get frustrated when things are not changing the way you like or think they should. Patience is a virtue.

Number 3:

STOP B entitled… just because your parents or grandparents may own the family place does not mean you deserve or earn it or need a handout. You don’t, so stop expecting one. If you do not bring back VALUE to the operation you should not be there. If you think you can just come home and take the easy road I am sure you could but that is a sure way to loose the family place over years and years. Prepare yourself for the absolute worst, and hope for the best.

Number 4:

Understand family dynamics! Your dreams and aspirations are so valuable to your family operation! And it is so important to carve out your niche within the operation. One of you might be really good at farming and the other might be really good at ranching! Instead of making it a competition, try to work together for the good of the operation. Whatever your passion is within your operation, follow it and try to carve out that sector for you to make additional revenue that brings value and income back to your operation.

I hope these practical tips help you with making decisions to go back to the family operation. For me personally, I wish it was cool to go back home and run the family business. Granted I know its not always your passion, but if it is… stop denying it and follow that dream! We need more legacys built. We live in such an instant gratification world where if its not cool we just sell out and quit. I believe there is something special about being able to keep the family business going for generations to come. Ohhh the stories we could tell. One day I hope my kids read these posts when I am gone and always have a special piece of me in there heart and what in the world was going through 27 years olds brain. HAHA

I hope this blesses you




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