Why MC- Meat CO

One of my favorite things to do is ask people I meet what their story is. I love engaging with someone and figuring out why they “tick”. I love hearing their life story about how they got to where they are today. It makes all of us so unique and different and listening to someone else’s story always inspires me. It helps me understand where someone is coming from and what their values are.


I thought it would be fun to start with MC- Meat’s Story…. I know you are probably thinking I am crazy… and rightfully so! Sometimes I think I am crazy. I have a full time job, I help mom and dad out whenever I can, I keep the farm/ranches books, try to volunteer where I can, and now this! Yeah……that sounds absolutely crazy to me too, don’t worry.

BUT this has been on my heart for almost three years now and let me tell you I am so stinking excited about it. I am so excited that this dream is developing into something beautiful every single day. Okay…. Enough with the dream and on with the meaning.


MC- Meat Co so much more than a company. Yes of course we sell beef products, but its about showing YOU this wonderful lifestyle we are able to live every single day.


It’s about stewarding the land God gave us.

Its about taking care of the animals God has gifted us.

It’s about leaving this operation better off for the coming generations.

It’s about utilizing our resources to create the most nutritious beef.

It’s about doing our best every single day.

It’s about connecting with YOU.

It’s about supplying you with the very best product.

Its about you trusting us to raise the beef that you feeds your families. 

And for that very thing, we are honored and so thankful we are able to do just that.


So that is the story of MC- Meat Co. Hang on tight, cause it is going to be a wild ride and we hope you are here to enjoy it with us.


With so much love for all of you


Family Favorite Appetizers